Saturday, August 29, 2009


Briefly, I'd like to say Thank You to those who have joined my blog and also to those who have viewed my blog but have not joined yet. Thanks so much! You are wonderful.

It may seem a bit crazy to express some of your inner most thoughts on the world wide web, trust me I know. I just found out what a blog was relatively recently... lol, this is a new experience for me. I felt a real need to write and share. Life can seem like a roller coaster sometimes on the inside and let's not even talk about the outside world. That is one of the reasons why I share.

Honestly, sharing makes me a bit nervous and I sometimes fear judgement, and that's also why I do it, to face my fears. What is fear anyway? It's a self created prision that keeps on whispering in our ears " you can't" or "you shouldn't". By doing what I fear it takes away it's power and liberates my soul.

Quick story, I have always feared heights and by pushing through it I am now able to stand at the edge of a high cathedral outdoor rooftop. The thought of this very rooftop would have caused my tummy to ache and legs to turn into jello pudding but now, I can go up there and just focus on the beauty.

My goal is to do one thing that is scary or makes me nervous daily. Sometimes, it is just as simple as telling the truth that we are not telling or saying I love you.

Please feel free to share.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


My spirit is also always telling me that I should: sing, dance, draw, paint, clean, pray, love, travel, laugh, hug, rest, walk, say "I love you", stop criticizing myself and remove all energies that no longer serve me.
PLEASE SHARE WITH ME...don't be shy!

Sharing is healing....What is your spirit telling you to do? More importantly are you listening?

Lots of love


Today, I am face to face with one of my biggest sources of fear and discomfort: the loss of security. In fact, my four year long job will be changing dramatically and possibly ending very soon. Truth be told it is what my heart has been longing for, my energy has been disconnected from corporate bureaucracies for years…oh who I am kidding, I was never connected to this concrete jungle to begin with.. I recently set my intention on healing and set my sights on training in the field of healing. It’s what I do and what I have been doing for the in increments for more than the past decade of my life. I felt that once I set my mind and finally held a vibration of decision that the universe would line up the rest for me…and it’s happening NOW. The funny thing is that the old patterns that we are purging truly die hard. I’m talking about fear, doubt and scarcity. They creep up on us whenever there is an opportunity to progress and break out of the nut shell that keeps us cosy but also isolated and stunted.

I am hoping to get as many people as I can on my blog, so please share it. My goal is to make it about exchanging ideas.

Here is a question that I would love for you to answer: What energy that is no longer serving you would you like to grow out of? How are you moving beyond your old story. I’ll tell you mine soon.

Lots of love and blessings

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

#1 Emotional Space Clearing Tip

LOVE YOURSELF: be kind to yourself...if you need a hug, get a hug or hug yourself. If you need rest, rest yourself. If you need to hear kind words, tell yourself how totally awesome you are and remember that you are a divine child of god who is perfect. Never let anyone convince you that you are what you are not, be true to that intuitive force within your core. Listen to your guide, be true and be you.

Affirm to yourself daily: I am a perfect child of god. This doesn't mean that any of us are without flaws, it doesn't mean that we should not aim to grow and evolve. It simply plants the seed of love in our hearts, the very seed from which we were born.

I am in this same process, releasing and clearing so much and making space to heal. It is not easy but everything in this existence that is worth achieving challenges us greatly, can get uncomfortable and can even feel like pain. I like to see it as labour pains...ouch, but hey we ARE being reborn.

Peace, love, light, blessings and SELF LOVE.

PS: Try this: Click the link below.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Life is not and will not always be pure bliss, the challenges are why we are here and they push us to grow. A very insightful person whom I respect immensely said that you cannot grow and evolve without feeling discomfort- so bless the discomfort- bless everything with love.

I would like to take this opportunity to share a link to my favorite radio station, it's free to listen online anytime. It's talk radio that is filled with tons of positive healing rays. It's called Hayhouse Radio- Radio for your soul and it is. Through my healing journey and as I lovingly create my sacred space (within myself and in my external environment), Hayhouse has been a great support! Thank you to the wonderful talk show hosts, authors and spiritually minded people at Hayhouse.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Sacred Space

Sacred space has everything to do with removing old energies that keep us down.


"Okay, this is serious now"...I thought to myself while loading the 8th over stuffed rock heavy garbage bag into the backseat of the car. Each bag was filled with clothing; about 50 % of that clothing had never been worn or had been worn once or twice. "This is normal for a city girl on her own...right?" I tried to convince myself to no avail. After a long night with too many thoughts, I realised that the truth was that shopping made me feel better about myself and the right outfit would bring me a sense of confidence. Of course TRUE confidence can only come from within and the establishment of self love and self realization, I know this with all of my heart, however being it is a process. New clothing would make me feel pretty, hopeful and re-invented. Gifts to myself I would call my outfits, but those "gifts" actually ended up sucking energy from me and becoming enormous mountains of clutter. The most valuable gifts cannot be touched because they lay within.

I keep on learning over and over again that material gifts are fleeting. I have a confession to make; I have purchased clothing before with the secret thought that it could change joke. I remember buying a coat that made me look very well put together and felt that it would be the beginning of newer and greater things to come. Of course the coat got linty after awhile and the cloak of hopes faded eventually.

I'm actually thankful for that experience (which has never been outwardly shared); it taught me to look deeper into myself and to realize that it's about who I am and not how I look or what I wear. It's why I am working on changing and growing out of my old habits, thoughts and energies.I am now working on smiling from the inside and not always searching for the perfect outfit to make me shine.

My clothing had ended up drowning me, and so I began to purge! The space clearing that I did yesterday begun at 10am and did not stop till 9:30 pm (breaks included*). I had help for the first 3 hours thankfully; the vast majority of all that time was spent clearing out my closet of clothing! Oh man, did it ever feel great! I felt like weight was being removed from my chest and that I could breathe again or maybe for the first feel the joy of having space to breathe. It's just the beginning but I am now determined to clear my space and make it a mirror of what I want and need in life...clarity, change and progress.

Gandhi said that we should -be the change that we wish to see in the world- I wish to see harmony and love and want to BE that and want my home, family, relationship, career, body, mind and soul to be that. In order to invite change in, there must be some space: some sacred space.

Please share your thoughts and stories with me!
Much love to you Tami