Wednesday, August 11, 2010


After not blogging for what feels like years. I'm I still have any readers??? :)
The past few months had challenged me a lot and were filled with realisations, endings and new beginnings. I realised that the natural flow of my existence is either an abundance of action or (what seems like) tons of inaction...but monumental things are always evolving. Instead of fighting it, I'm now learning how to ride the natural wave of my existance and embracing it. It's all internal at times and cannot be seen but I'm still in constant flux. I've learned a few important life lessons in the past few months. For instance, never doubt your personal faith and beliefs- FAITH is the foundation in hardship, I also learned to surrender to the inner child inside that just wants to play and to of course to detach myself even when it is painful, sometimes crucial.
I'm soaking up my journey like a sponge and feel so minuscule in comparison to the vastness of knowledge to be known...I know that only a fraction can begin to reach my thoughts...but am so grateful to feel awake and renewed, like the phoenix...risen again.
I'm sending out infinite love and blessings
and sharing a mantra (by Lousie Hay) :
Believe it cause it's true, we can regenerate ourselves and start anew at anytime...
over and over again.

Monday, March 22, 2010

thought of the day

Keep on moving forward no matter what!!!!!
it may not be easy
those you love may hurt and damage you
blessings of courage to all

Thursday, March 18, 2010

In tough times....

This is NOT some new age mumbo jumbo, this is real.

It has brought light to my darkest moments and opened up doors of opportunity to me. The magnificent divine universe that we reside in is so supportive. When you need love, give love, when you need understanding, give understanding and when you need hope, give hope. The universe will support the energy that you are giving out. I have been giving and receiving much love during a challenging time in my life and now there is an abundance of love and support around me where before there was only despair.

When you feel lost

When you feel stuck

When you feel overwhelmed

Confused, depressed, lost and hopeless

GIVE LOVE and a shift will happen

OPEN YOUR HEART to someone in need

& LOVE will be drawn to you like a magnet

Blessings of peace, love and joy