Friday, September 25, 2009

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans”
John Lennon

Don't forget to Breathe!!!

Chances are that if you are feeling stressed, you're breathing is shallow and you are not detoxifying your mind, body and soul through your god given gift of breath. It's free and we all have it and it can turn an overwhelmed frenzy of a day into a calm happy one. So why not use it! It can help declutter the mind & heart and get you out of a funky mood fast. Go ahead take it in and let it out.

I sometimes like to imagine releasing all worry on the exhale and visualize receiving divine healing rays on the inhale. Of course you can do anything that suits you.

Here is a wikihow quickie on how to do cleansing breathing:

Step 1
Sit up straight, with your head and neck aligned. Lift and release your shoulders and roll them back a few times to get yourself into a relaxing posture.

Step 2
Rest your eyes shut and gently inhale through the nose slowly and deeply for the count of 5, allowing your lungs to fill and your abdomen to expand.

Step 3
Hold your breath for 5 seconds. Your abdomen will remain expanded, your lungs will be filled and your ribcage will feel expanded as well. Savor the moment and feel yourself centering.

Step 4
Gently exhale for the count of 5, feeling your rib cage and lungs contracting, and your abdomen sinking back down. Slowly repeat your cleansing breath as many times as you wish and enjoy the serenity.

Breathe Easy :)
Peace, love & light

Friday, September 18, 2009

before :(

after :)

Wake up and Live :)

It's so easy to get lost in the fog of every day life. Oh my, the TO DO list grows and grows, then quickly it turns into quick sand and we are overwhelmed. This happens to me on a regular basis because I devote a lot of my energy doing things that do not make my heart sing. I do it because it's the sensible thing to do, because I have got to save money and be a responsible adult...blah, blah, blah! Whatever!!!!! I am working on redefining what it means to be a responsible adult, cause it sure isn't being chained to an office job that you truly don't care about, but try to. I think that being a true responsible adult is about: being true and pursuing the goals in life that speak to your soul and make you truly happy. It's also about healing and learning to love yourself and life and to make the changes needed to be truly happy with your life.

I am working on it! I had been a bit too into getting things done at my office (major changes)...that I did not reserve much energy for the things that matter the most to me. This happens, right? It's okay, we're human. We get lazy at times, especially when it comes to doing for ourselves. We will run ourselves to to ground to help another but when it's time to help ourselves, we normally take a rain check. What's up with that?

Anyway, in terms of my job situation, I am over tired today and slightly irritated at myself and the lack of time and energy that I've put into my true goals in the last couple of weeks. It's not really about the job, it's about me. The truth is, it's a blessings that is enabling me to sort out my SOUL GOALS and also have a little cash flow to contribute to it....yeah I have my good days and resentful days but all in all I'm aware that I am getting what I need when I need it. So THANK YOU GOD!

Well, I'm back and ready to kick my own butt.

I'd like to share something that I keep in my wallet with you, just in case you also need a swift kick in your bum bum aka are lacking the energy to CHANGE aka have no time to live aka have no motivation to do the things that you really want to. I hear you, I am you. This little peice of paper is what prompted me to wake up about 30 minutes ago,, it's all divine.


How to realize all of your dreams and goals in life no matter what: spiritual, relationship, career, education, healing etc…All is possible with trust, faith, intention and action. Bless everything with love, even the pain and struggle. Allow love to be the catalyst on every journey. Bless it all. Thank God for everything, see everything as divine. This is the challenge but I have experienced doors of opportunity fly open before me, when I have successfully stayed in this energy.




Be blessed