Thursday, October 29, 2009

To err is human, to forgive is divine. FORGIVENESS

Dear blog, I'm sorry for neglecting you...please forgive me :)


In the past little while I have been bogged down myself by resentment. I admit it. I felt wrongly treated and I have been wearing this resentment like a heavy coat on my back. I tried to just shake it off, distract myself from the heavy coat on my back and do nice things for myself and do nice things for others etc. Some days the coat was so light that I forgot about it and other days it was cumbersome and made me want to scream. I prayed a lot and I attended to my wounds and tried to be kind and gentle with myself but there was one thing that I did not do: FORGIVE, let go with love and move forward.
I could not wrap my mind around this, am I unable to forgive this particular person? Has this person just caused me too much pain and aggravation over the span of my lifetime that it would be better to just disconnect? Was it a lost cause? Or am I supposed to learn something here? Is this challenge a divine part of my personal journey towards growth and healing?
I decided to just let the universe handle it, I surrendered it to the most high and in doing so all the answers began to flow to me in a natural and gentle stream of insight. Which for me proves that if you need clarity, give your problem to the most high and ask for guidance...whoever or whatever the divine means to you doesn't matter as long as you trust, believe and surrender and IT WILL CLEAR UP. I'm telling you, and I'm reminding myself in telling you cause doubt creeps in when fear and lower energies creep in and sometimes it's good to be reminded.
I asked for guidance on this and I now know that I need to forgive and relate to the pain and suffering of that person. It's not personal, it really isn't. I also need to forgive myself and nurture that little girl who still dwells within who just wants hugs and understanding. I am back to a clearer sense of understanding and I decide to align my energy with LOVE in all instances, good , bad and icky.

I just wanted to share that with you, as well as my blessings of LOVE & LIGHT

With God ALL things are possible.


  1. Thank you very much for this post.
    It was just what I needed...Let go every thought and let Life put the answers before me.
    This night I'll meditate with such things in mind.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Lady C.

  2. That means a lot to me Lady C thanks so much for sharing that. PEACE, LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU :)
