Friday, September 25, 2009

Don't forget to Breathe!!!

Chances are that if you are feeling stressed, you're breathing is shallow and you are not detoxifying your mind, body and soul through your god given gift of breath. It's free and we all have it and it can turn an overwhelmed frenzy of a day into a calm happy one. So why not use it! It can help declutter the mind & heart and get you out of a funky mood fast. Go ahead take it in and let it out.

I sometimes like to imagine releasing all worry on the exhale and visualize receiving divine healing rays on the inhale. Of course you can do anything that suits you.

Here is a wikihow quickie on how to do cleansing breathing:

Step 1
Sit up straight, with your head and neck aligned. Lift and release your shoulders and roll them back a few times to get yourself into a relaxing posture.

Step 2
Rest your eyes shut and gently inhale through the nose slowly and deeply for the count of 5, allowing your lungs to fill and your abdomen to expand.

Step 3
Hold your breath for 5 seconds. Your abdomen will remain expanded, your lungs will be filled and your ribcage will feel expanded as well. Savor the moment and feel yourself centering.

Step 4
Gently exhale for the count of 5, feeling your rib cage and lungs contracting, and your abdomen sinking back down. Slowly repeat your cleansing breath as many times as you wish and enjoy the serenity.

Breathe Easy :)
Peace, love & light


  1. yes breathing is very important and what we eat and how we move as well

  2. very very true, healthy living is a complete way of life

    Thanks so much for adding your input:)

  3. The whole question of eating well, moving well, and taking time to breathe comes down to re-rooting ourselves in our bodies. Our minds are constantly engaged, more often preoccuppied, so that we focus more on mental tasks than physical ones, and besides the basic motions of daily sustenance (eating to stay alive, sleeping, moving to get to where we have to be), we tend to forget that we have these amazing bodies that are capable of occupying and moving through space in amazing ways. So it's important to take a minute to enjoy that pleasant chill that moves along your skin with the wind, or the smell of the fresh fall air you just inhaled, or the long, tension- releasing stretch you learned from a friend who does yoga or ballet.... or even that surge of energy you're feeling after having eaten a delicious and healthy meal. And, if you can make the time for it, it would be equally if not more gratifying to do something like physical meditation or exercises in sensual experience. Caress a pet cat that's napping near you, or stroke your child's hair. Listen to classical music while soaking your feet in hot, lavender scented water. Take a hot shower and then immediately melt ice cubes on your steaming body. Feast your eyes on the images in an art book. Force yourself to laugh and then see if you end up genuinely laughing and if you can keep the laughter going for a long time. Cook a meal and linger on the smell of each forkful before putting it in your mouth. Then chew slowly ad linger on the taste before swallowing it. Dance. Sing. Sit still and be, allowing yourself to take in all the sights and sounds and smells and the feel of the air around you. Let your senses be overtaken.
    Touch yourself. Touch someone else. Stimulating your body will inevitably lead to sharpening the focus of your mind, and once your mind is focused, your body will be ever more present and aware.

  4. Beautifully said R- Word...we are more than amazing bodies, we are divine SOULS. We should nourish the spirit daily, just as we would eat and sleep...our soul needs to be cared for too:)


    I love to savour my morning coffee at my balcony window and let the sun beam down on me before work, or listen to a beautiful piece of music, or enjoy the sublime sound of silence.I often take just a moment to do 3 long inhales and chant OM on the exhale; just to bring me back to ME before getting caught up in rush hour subway human traffic and such. I think that when we are in our souls we are truly at our highest selves aka most healthy.

